2014: A Year of Firsts and Joy

January 29th is the date.. 29 days into this new year, and it is already a year of new beginnings. This past Monday was the beginning of my last semester in high school, a first. Yesterday, we received the first snow of this year. Today is our first snow day of the year.. Get the drift? 

Each New Years, you hear the countless tales of new starts and new beginnings. New Year’s resolutions are just examples of peoples’ so called “dedication” to a new start. Did you know less than 10% of New Year’s resolutions are actually carried out? The majority of these new changes are directed toward weight loss or healthier food habits. 

No matter the “change” from one year to another, each year is bound to also bring along new sadness and pain. New difficulties and challenges are presented, and people either face these struggles with renewed strength, or run away with fear. The presence of hurt and grief in this world inspired my personal resolution; it is one that I intend to actually keep.

Happiness- a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness)

That one word, happiness, is my resolution, my goal, and shall be my outcome. People will try their hardest to put me down, make me feel bad, but guess what? I’M HAPPY. Mistakes are unavoidable, disasters will happen, but you know what? I’M HAPPY. Nothing will cut me down, or shred me up. Happiness, contentment, joy, however you please to address it, is my motivation.. and it should be yours too.